Walzer argues that when it comes to problems international arena, there
is “a radical break, a chasm, with nastiness on
one side and genocide on the other”. We should intervene when there is a case
of genocide or ethnic cleansing. However, we should not intervene to correct “the common brutalities of
authoritarian politics”, because in these cases the social change will be best
achieved from within. Otherwise, it is likely that the intervention might do
more harm than good. Similarly, Wertheim
argues that intervention is only morally permissible when it is actually
feasible. If we have enough resources to intervene, before we do so “we must
imagine the plausible and probable consequences and plan realistically and far-sightedly”. He argues that if it is concluded that
intervention might do more harm than good, then we must not intervene. Indeed,
we can intervene for our benefit rather than the benefit of the victims. For
instance, the attempt of intervention makes the interveners feel better about
ourselves: they did something to stop the atrocity. However, disregard for
consequences of the intervention puts the intervener’s need to be morally
blameless above the victims’ actual well-being. Ignatieff has touched on this
point in his article. He noted that people in poor countries believe that
intervention by the West is often “a lurid exercise in emotional
self-gratification” lacking the needed focus on post-reconstruction of conflict
area. He highlights that we have “responsibility to follow through”. Once we
commit to intervening in conflict, we must provide “sustained follow up”. Thus
in the case of Syria, the international community should not intervene without
a clear plan for intervention and post-conflict reconstruction and the strong conviction that the end result
would do more good than harm. Moreover,
since the level of violence has not yet reached the level of genocide, it is
difficult to claim definitively that military intervention will do more good
than harm, in short and/or long term. It is still possible that that fruitful
social change can still come from within the country, which would produce
better and more long lasting results than any change imposed from outside.
However, international actors should intervene in Syria when the
violence and human rights violations reach the level of genocide. If the
government begins using chemical weapons, vast amounts of people will be killed
which would escalate the current level of violence to the level of genocide.
Walzer claims that we have not only a right to act, but an obligation to
intervene in this case. If there are risks
involved for the intervening state than international actors have a right to
respond if they wish, but they are not morally bound to respond. However, he claims that international states have
an obligation to intervene, rather than a right, because “the survival of
intervening state is not at risk.” Examining the motives of intervening states,
he concludes that the intervention is acceptable if intervening state has
self-interest in intervening because then it is more likely to actually
intervene to stop atrocities. In fact, he argues that “the leaders of states
have a right, indeed, they have an obligation, to consider the interests of their
own people, even when they are acting to help other people.” However, it could
be argued that this statement challenges his earlier claim that states have an
obligation to intervene because their survival is not at risk. If he concedes
that states have an obligation to consider the interests of their own people
when they decided on helping others, then it is possible that the two
obligations could be in conflict. Unless there is massive support (majority)
for intervention by the citizens of intervening states, then it is possible
that intervening states are disregarding their obligation to their citizens.
Moreover, solders are duty bound
to act in the interest of the security (or in other interest) of their nation.
They take an oath to protect their nation. It is morally questionable to
require a soldier to be involved in a military confrontation from which his
state does not benefit. Perhaps it would be “the right thing to do” for that a
state to intervene, but it is possible that it is not morally obligated to do
so when the majority of its citizens are not in full support of the
intervention. The state has a duty to use its soldiers only for the benefit of
the state because those soldiers signed up to protect the state, not the world,
and act in the benefit of the state, not in the benefit of the helpless
Perhaps it is best to leave the intervention as a right rather than an
obligation. If the international community has an obligation to intervene, on
top of that it has an obligation to succeed in its intervention and on top of
that it has an obligation to provide “sustained follow up”; then the result
would be either no one would intervene or almost everyone would “fail”. Thus
international community should intervene in Syria only when there is no hope
for successful change to come from within the country. In addition,
international community should (not must) believe it can stop the conflict
successfully and leave the country in better state than it found it in. The
decision to intervene should be well thought through, because no victim will
say “well, thanks for trying!” when you made their living conditions a lot
worse rather than better.